School Board
The Newmarket Primary School Board comprises of five tri-annually elected community/parent representatives, together with the Principal and a staff representative. The Board is committed to frequent communication with the community and they will seek your views on significant issues that affect the school.
The Newmarket Primary School Board hold eight meetings a year at 6.15pm in the staffroom. Notice of the meeting is in the schools newsletter. These are public meetings and you are welcome to attend. If you wish to have a copy of the agenda and minutes please ask at the school office.
A Message from the Presiding Member
The School Board (formerly the Board of Trustees) are responsible for governance of the school. This includes being responsible for the school’s performance, ensuring all legal requirements are met, setting the vision for the school, giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and that all children at the school reach their highest potential learning achievement.
At Newmarket School we are fortunate to have a very experienced principal and deputy principal, along with wonderful teachers and staff who are focussed on ākonga (student) learning and wellbeing. Children are exposed to wide range of activities at Newmarket School including, education outside the classroom, sports, languages, music and digital technology, giving our students strong roots from which to grow.
School contact
Address: 7-11 Gillies Ave, Newmarket, Auckland. 1023
Telephone: 09 520 2959
Mobile: 021 244 8085
Tess Brothersen: Presiding Member
Dr Wendy Kofoed: Principal - 09 520 2959
Virginia Kung: Staff rep and Deputy Principal
Grace Tukuitoga
Michael Tung
Gabrielle Caesar
David Ham
BOT elected 14/9/2022
Tess Brothersen
Presiding Member
School Board