Contact Details
(09) 520 2959
School Mobile: 0212448085
Newmarket Primary School, 7 Gillies Avenue, Newmarket, Auckland 1023.
Office hours
8.00am - 3.30pm
Supervision hours
School Staff are legally responsible for children from 8.15am to 3.15pm each day on site. Outside of these times, your children are your responsibility. Please arrange suitable adult supervision or enrol with an Out of School Care programme.
Smoke free
From 2004 it became law for the school to be a totally smoke free zone. This covers all of the school and grounds including car parking areas. Please assist us by not smoking anywhere within the school boundaries. The school and anyone breaching this law may be fined.
School Hall
The school Hall is located at:
7-11 Gillies Ave, Newmarket