Vaccinations for Students
The school is required to gather the vaccination status of students who are 12 years of age. A member of staff will contact parents by phone to gather this information. The information will be stored securely and the requirements of the Privacy Act 2020 will be observed. Where a parent or student doesn't wish to share their vaccination status the student's vaccination status will be recorded as unvaccinated.
There is no requirement for students 12 years of age to be vaccinated and they can attend school with or without being vaccinated.
Vaccinations for Staff
All staff are fully vaccinated and compliant with the Public Health Order.
Application of mandatory vaccination requirements for various roles
To reassure parents and staff, the list below details the types of roles in the education sector that will be covered by the Public Health Order requirement to get vaccinated.
The general principles for the application of the Order are:
all workers who carry out work at or for an early learning service, registered school, or hostel fall under the requirements of the Order if:
- they may have contact with children or students when carrying out their work, or
- they are present at the early learning service, registered school or hostel where children or students are also presentthe worker has a duty under the Order to ensure they meet the vaccination requirements.
Where the worker is a staff member of a service contracted to the registered school or hostel, the service provider is responsible for ensuring the worker meets the requirements of the Order.
Teachers, teacher aides, principals, administration staff, caretakers, cooks
Yes. These staff are required to be vaccinated as they may have contact with children or students and/or will be present at a time when children and students are also present.
Learning support staff and other education agency staff (for example, Ministry of Education and ERO staff)
Yes. These staff are required to be vaccinated if they are visiting early learning services or schools to deliver a service that means they may have contact with children and students and/or will be present at a time when children and students are also present.
School board members.
The board member is required to be vaccinated if they may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present. Otherwise, they are not required to be vaccinated. The board may want to consider a working arrangement that enables an unvaccinated board member to conduct business online and/or at a time that students will not be present (such as evening board meetings).
Employees/volunteers of a contracted service attending onsite during times children or students are also present, including planned events and activities that may take place before or after normal hours (for example, cleaners, tradespeople, nurses and health workers, staff engaged to deliver a programme or for a school event)
Yes. Employees of a contracted service physically attending a school or hostel site when children or students are also present are required to be vaccinated. This is because these people are carrying out work at or for a school or hostel and they may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present.
Employees/volunteers of organisations who provide a service on an education site (for example, the Life Education caravans, dental care, PLD providers, external Ka Ora, Ka Ako programme providers, lawyers for child, social workers in schools)
Yes. Employees of a contracted service physically attending a school or hostel site when children or students are also present are required to be vaccinated. This is because these people are carrying out work at or for a school or hostel and they may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present.
After-school care services contracted by the school, or employed by a private company
Yes. Employees of a contracted service physically attending a school site when children or students are also present are required to be vaccinated.
Parents, caregivers or volunteers at an education outside the classroom (EOTC), learning experiences outside the classroom (LEOTC) programme or excursion
Yes. These people are required to be vaccinated because these people are carrying out work (unpaid) at or for a school or hostel and they may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present.
Employees or volunteers for providers of EOTC, LEOTC services or excursions which are offsite (for example, library, school camp, museum staff)
No. These workers (paid and unpaid) are not required to be vaccinated as they are not working “at” an education service or employed or engaged by the education service. However, schools and kura are encouraged to check on the vaccination status of offsite activity providers as part of their COVID-19 health and safety assessments.
Parents/caregivers dropping off or picking up children at a school or kura
No. As the Order only applies to workers and volunteers, not people who are visiting the school.
Parents, caregivers and members of the community who are volunteers at the school, kura, or hostel
Yes. These people onsite are required to be vaccinated as they may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present. If the volunteer is working offsite and will not have any contact with children or students as part of their role, then they are not required to be vaccinated.
Attendance advisors/kaiāwhina who work with young people to support them back into learning
Yes. These people are required to be vaccinated if they may have contact with children or students in the course of their work.
Student Teachers on placement
Yes. Student teachers are required to be vaccinated if they may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present.
Union representatives
Yes. These people are required to be vaccinated if they may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present.
Parents or caregivers attending meetings or events on site (for example, parent-teacher interviews)
No. As the Order only applies to workers and volunteers, not people who are visiting the school or hostel.
General public using school facilities after hours (for example, playground, school pool)
No. The requirement to be vaccinated only applies to workers and volunteers.
Residential therapeutic and respite facilities that deliver onsite education for school aged children (for example, Oranga Tamariki youth justice and care and protection residences, remand homes and community-based homes)
Yes. These people carrying out work at or for an early learning service, school or hostel are required to be vaccinated as they may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present.
Unvaccinated person responding to an emergency on site (for example, burst water pipe, windows blown out)
We encourage schools to proactively engage with their regular tradespeople about their vaccination status to mitigate any possibility of unvaccinated peoples coming on to the school site in the case of an emergency.
Whānau who provide homestay accommodation for international or domestic students
Yes. The people the school contracts to provide the homestay accommodation service or boarding are required to be vaccinated. Otherwise, no.
Vaccination requirements for contractors, tradespeople and consultants
Everyone who works on a school or kura site who may have contact with children or students or will be present at a time when children and students are also present must have had a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by Monday 15 November and be fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022.
The term ‘works’ includes all contractors, tradespeople and consultants (and all their staff and subcontractors).
Obligations of contractors, tradespeople and consultants as PCBU
Contractors, tradespeople and consultants on site are PCBU of their own workforce, and must:
assess what workers are affected persons under the Order
notify (if they have not already done so) which workers are covered by the Order of the requirements of the Order and their duty to be vaccinated
collect and maintain a record of the contact and vaccination information for all workers affected by the Order
ensure their workers are advised that both the Ministry and our school may seek confirmation from them of their compliance with the Order and the aggregate vaccination status of their workforce.
As a school, we are not required by the Order to record vaccination status of contractors, tradespeople and consultants but for our own health and safety processes, all visitors entering the school will need to sign in on our VisTab device in the front office and this records this information.
Worker obligations and when the requirements do not apply
From Tuesday 16 November 2021, workers must not carry out work on a school site unless they have had their first dose of the vaccine. This will only apply if they are on the school site and may come into contact with children or students or if they will be onsite at the same time as children or students.
The vaccination requirements do not apply to those workers who are performing services remotely, or who are onsite only when children and students are not present (such as a contractor who is performing maintenance during the weekend or over a term break).