Health & Safety

Basic Hygiene

Upon entering school and before entering any classroom students will use hand sanitiser.

Students will wash and dry their hands regularly, including every time they leave the classroom, at their assigned sinks.

Hand sanitiser will be placed inside each building entry door and in each classroom.

The policy of 'coughing and sneezing into your elbow' will be strenuously encouraged.

After each learning block, staff will use disinfectant wipes to clean table surfaces and chairs. They will then use hand sanitiser prior to exiting the room.

At the end of each day, the school will be thoroughly cleaned by our cleaning staff.

Mask Wearing

Under the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Alert Level Requirements) Health Order, it’s a legal requirement that all students from Year 4 wear a face covering when they are inside at school unless they have an exemption. Students below Year 3 are strongly encouraged to wear a mask.

When wearing their mask, students and staff must make sure the mask covers their nose and chin all the time, and fit their face.

Masks with three layers of material are more effective than the paper ones.

Students who forget to bring their mask will be issued a paper mask for the day.

If a student continually removes their mask their parents will be called to come to school to collect them.

Breaks for morning tea and lunch will be staggered and in designated areas so that no two groups will be using the same space at the same time.

Students sit in their designated spot in for eating snacks and lunch. Students are encouraged to maintain physical distancing.

On wet days, teachers will supervised students in sheltered outdoor areas, on the verandahs, decks, under awnings, and under our umbrellas.

Students are to place all food scraps and rubbish back into their lunchbox for disposal at home.

As the water fountains are closed off students are to bring their own water bottle from home that will be refilled by the teachers as needed. The school will provide a bottle of water should a student accidentally forget theirs.


Getting as much fresh air in the classroom as we can has been endorsed as the best way to ventilate New Zealand schools by the Ministry of Health and NIWA, and generally as the best approach for schools by the World Health Organisation, Centre for Disease Control to reduce transmission risks

The school will be using the classrooms that provide the greatest cross-flow of ventilation.

In addition, where weather permits, teachers are encouraged to spend some time teaching outside the classroom. This will also allow the air in the classrooms to refresh.


All of our toilets are unisex toilets.

Each group of students has assigned toilets.

All toilet cubicles provide the standard of privacy that normal public toilets provide.

Staff will use their assigned toilet ensuring no staff member from another class/area are using the toilet at the same time.

It is essential hygiene that after using the toilet students and staff wash and dry their hands.

Public Health Measures

If a child or staff member is sick, they should stay home (phone Healthline or their GP and get tested if a doctor or health professional recommends them to do so).

Staff will observe students on arrival checking for symptoms and ask those presenting as unwell to go home or arrange for parents and caregivers to come and pick up. Please note, this does not mean that temperatures will be taken

Principals at state and state-integrated schools have authority to preclude a student from attending if they believe on reasonable grounds they may have a communicable disease under section 77 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

Vulnerable people

Vulnerable students should, where possible, remain at home and access the distance learning programme. Teachers who are considered vulnerable per the Covid guidelines should consult with their doctor and request a medical certificate. This is to be shared with the Principal and alternative arrangements will be made.

Movement around the school

All movement of students around the school during learning time is to be supervised by a teacher or teacher aide. When students are moving around the building, they must wash hands before moving to another section of the school, use the assigned bathrooms, keep hands and bodies to themselves

Parents and caregivers on site

Adults continue to provide the greater risk for transmission of COVID-19, and therefore at Alert Level 3 it is recommended parents and caregivers do not enter or congregate on the school site.

Parents should wear face coverings when dropping off and picking up students from school.

In the event that a child's parent or caregiver does need to come on site this must be pre-arranged. The office will advise whether or not they are required to be vaccinated.

It is important to continue to observe all Alert Level 3 behaviours. As such, congregating socially outside the school gates should be avoided.

Should parents need to drop anything off to school they are requested to call the office to arrange for one of the office staff to come and collect the item.

In the rare case when a parent does need to come onto the school campus, they must be vaccinated, scan using the Covid Tracer App and sign in on the VisTab in the office,.

Sick Bay

Students are to only access the sick bay for serious illness or injury or in the case of suspected viral infection.

The teachers will contact Patti to speak with her regarding the symptoms the student is displaying and an 'over the phone' assessment will be made. If it is deemed the student is unwell, Patti will contact the parents to collect the student. The student will then be sent to the sick bay with their bag.

Isolation Area

To help reduce the potential transmission of the virus between the patient and other students and staff. If a student or staff member exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 while at school, they will be escorted to the school hall entry RTLit office where a temporary Isolation Area will be set up. The office staff will call the parent to arrange for immediate pickup of the sick child.

Symptomatic individuals

Students and staff will be required to remain home or will be sent home if they exhibit one of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 37.5℃ or higher

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell


  • Two or more of the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhoea

  • Loss of appetite

In the event that a student exhibits symptoms at school, a member of the office staff will call the parent to arrange for immediate pickup.