Gifted and Talented
Gifted students at Newmarket School are those with the potential to achieve outstanding performance
What does it mean to be gifted or talented?
There are many definitions possible. Our School definition is:
" Gifted students at Newmarket School are those with the potential to achieve outstanding performance related to other students of the same age, in one or more areas of human endeavor. Talented students are those who demonstrate exceptional ability in one or more areas. They require differentiated educational programmes and/ or services, (such as social and emotional support) in order to realize their contribution to self and society."
Our task is to identify these children and give them the appropriate opportunities to enable them to reach their potential.
The following information deals with identifying and catering for children who are academically gifted and talented. We recognise that children can be gifted and talented in other areas, such as the arts, or sports. Children who have ability in sports are encouraged to try out to join the interschool competitions. There are various music lessons offered during school time for those who have an interest in expanding those abilities, and at times various visual art competitions and pull out art groups are offered. We cannot cater for all areas of giftedness, but do our best to meet needs as we see them, by offering children opportunities for extension and enrichment where possible.
Children are identified in a number of ways - teacher nomination, observation and discussion , test results, and assessment of children's work, parent nomination. Ongoing assessment occurs throughout the year.
Children who are well above average in one or more areas are included on the school's GATE register. This allows teachers to easily identify the children that we feel would benefit from enrichment and extension. The purpose of defining and identifying giftedness is to uncover individual abilities, qualities, and interests, and the objective of differentiation is to further develop them. There are several ways gifted and talented children may be provided for:
In class provision such as differentiated learning, grouping, independent study, learning centres, thinking skills, inquiry learning, curriculum compacting etc
Subject acceleration
Class acceleration
Pull-out programmes
Out of school provision such as "One Day School"
At Newmarket School children are taught to their individual level in the classroom situation - teachers endeavour to provide appropriate extension and enrichment activities for our more able students. Some students are identified for activities such as in arts, sports, or music.