Learning English encompasses learning the language, learning about the language and learning through the language.
The English language is the medium for most learning in the New Zealand Curriculum, helping us to make sense of our world and express our understanding.
Beginning and seasoned readers alike need to make predictions before reading a story.
This will go a long way to ensure that a child incorporates previewing and prediction in his or her own reading practices both now and in the future.
Help your child use the picture clues in most early readers and picture books to tell the story before reading.
Model fluency while reading, and bring your own energy and excitement for reading to your child.
Reading comprehension is the reason we read -- to understand.
The connection between reading, writing and discussion should be incorporated with daily literacy practice.
Modeling the formation of sentences aligned with the words of a story is crucial for a child to begin making a neural interconnectedness between reading and writing.
There are stories to read and activities to complete that tap into the concept "reading to understand".